The sticker in the photo above was created by taking a picture of myself in my bathroom mirror, then carving that image into a block and rolling ink over it to make a relief print. I did a few designs with this method. One featured a pic of my at-the-time girlfriends face, one was of a skull, and another was of Agent Smith from the Matrix. All bore the signature of my "MA" logo which stands for Matt Atomik.
These yellow stickers above were part of a sticker art show some years back. Standard old school graffiti character. I did a few more in this style, but don't have any photos of them
The brown and black stickers that have the bobcat image on them and read ARMY were created by me. I don't even remember the why I chose that image or the meaning behind it, but I remember we put up A LOT of those.
The sticker in the top left corner was mine also. A good friend and I made some "Dave Thomas Has a Posse" stickers after Dave, (the founder of Wendy's Hamburgers) had passed away.

Another old school graffiti character image. His name belt reads Atomik
This sticker with a skull wearing a sombrero was part of a set that all incorporated skulls wearing different hats. There was also a pirate skull, a nazi skull, and a shriner skull.
The stickers pictured above and below were created with spray paint and a hand cut stencil. This image is of a dead Laura Palmer from "Twin Peaks"

More ARMY stickers, and below is a stencil.
I've got hundreds of stickers stockpiled that I never stuck up, so if there is anyone who is interested in trading me some stickers for their stickers or art, leave a message and I will hook you up.
Source URL: https://bechikkethitek.blogspot.com/2010/11/sticker-art.html

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